| Page 1 |
| 1 | Let Me Hear You (Arawn Conners Theme) (3:42) |  |
| 2 | My Wrath (Evil Thomas Theme) (4:07) |  |
| 3 | Prince of Aces (Markevis Mobley Theme) (3:46) |  |
| 4 | Shots Fired (Justin Lamp Theme) (4:08) |  |
| 5 | The Headline Will Read (Shaun Martens Theme) (3:47) |  |
| 6 | Over the Top (Jacob Crane Theme) (2:37) |  |
| 7 | All Freaks Welcome (Vollose Theme) (3:42) |  |
| 8 | Emperor (Fang Theme) (4:29) |  |
| 9 | Betrayed (Ewan Theme) (3:18) |  |
| 10 | Downpour (The Flood Theme) (3:26) |  |
| 11 | Mr. Grinchology (Tomtom McThunder Theme) (3:42) |  |
| 12 | Possession (The Great Aku Theme) (4:28) |  |
| 13 | Unleashed (Dakota Blake Theme) (3:15) |  |
| 14 | The Hype Is Real (The Hype Theme) (2:54) |  |
| 15 | Make America Swole Again (Connor Reilly Theme) (3:20) |  |