| Page 1 |
| 1 | Sunkist and Skittles (Not Into Me) (4:58) | |
| 2 | U.V Lights and Tans (Air Raid) (3:04) | |
| 3 | Money Moves (Power Trip) (3:41) | |
| 4 | Mood (Project Picnic) (4:53) | |
| 5 | Everybody! Try to Rap to This-Interlude (Kids) (0:50) | |
| 6 | Running through my Fantasies (Find Her) (5:10) | |
| 7 | Late to the Kickback (The Order) (2:53) | |
| 8 | Outer Space but Out of Space (Nocturnal Remission) (4:15) | |
| 9 | Vivacious Vibes (Night Cap) (2:52) | |
| 10 | Even at the Bonfire (The End is Nigh) (4:15) | |