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> Home > Other > Audiobook CD > Abbas Schirmohammadi - EWS Wrestling Superstars Entrance Themes 2
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Released: 2022-02-15
Production Code: 3948849242
Production Label: hsm healthstyle.media GmbH

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   Disc 1
1EWS: War Lords & Alex Sixxx: Lazy Purple Hazy.1 (3:23)
2Alex Sixxx: Lazy Purple Hazy.2 & Alex Sixxx: Lazy Purple Hazy.2 (3:33)
3Alex Sixxx: Lazy Purple Hazy.3 & Alex Wonder: King of Wrestling Germany.1 (3:24)
4Alex Wonder: King of Wrestling Germany.2 (3:11)
5Alex Wonder: King of Wrestling Germany.3 (3:07)
6Alex Wonder: King of Wrestling Germany.4 & Il Padrino: Il Coltello & Emily Winston: Out On The Strip.1 (6:14)
7Emily Winston: Out On The Strip.2 & EWS: Sting Of Death.1 (3:10)
8EWS: Sting Of Death.2 & Chicago: Waking To Dream.1 (3:28)
9Chicago: Waking To Dream.2 & Steve K: A Champion Like Me.1 (3:29)
10Steve K: A Champion Like Me.2 & Simi TheCro: Keep It Easy All Day.1 (3:21)
11Simi TheCro: Keep It Easy All Day.2 (3:29)
12Simi TheCro: Keep It Easy All Day.3 & Deadsaw: Kronos.1 (3:30)
13Deadsaw: Kronos.2 & EWS: Piled Driver (3:18)

Total Length: 46:37
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