| Page 1 |
| 1 | Introduction (Mega Man X4 PSX) (3:15) |  |
| 2 | Base (Contra NES) (1:26) |  |
| 3 | Dark World (Monster Party NES) (3:37) |  |
| 4 | Still Alive (Mirror's Edge Theme)(Mirrors Edge Multiplatform) (2:30) |  |
| 5 | Draculas Castle (Castlevania SOTN PSX) (3:08) |  |
| 6 | Imperial March (Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi SNES) (4:28) |  |
| 7 | Theme (Legend Of Zelda NES) (2:51) |  |
| 8 | Theme (Wizards And Warriors III NES) (3:36) |  |
| 9 | Grotesque Figures (Shadow Of The Colossus PS2) (2:43) |  |
| 10 | Lower Maridia (Super Metroid SNES) (2:53) |  |
| 11 | Ness's Dream (Earthbound SNES) (3:33) |  |
| 12 | The Undertaker Entrance Theme ( WWF Royal Rumble SNES) (3:12) |  |
| 13 | Laboratory Ruins (Batman NES) (3:04) |  |
| 14 | Theme (Terminator 2 SNES) (2:12) |  |
| 15 | Sea Of Despair (Super Ghost N Goblins SNES) (2:38) |  |
| 16 | Tetris Theme (Tetris And Dr. Mario SNES) (2:44) |  |
| 17 | Gym Leader Battle (Pokemon Blue-Red Gameboy) (2:32) |  |
| 18 | Theme Of Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid PSX) (2:44) |  |