| Page 1 |
| 1 | Guidelines For Ghosts & Goblins (Introduction) |  |
| 2 | A D13HARD HALLOW33N (A Samhain Sonnet Celebrating The Season) |  |
| 3 | Trick Or Treat (Interlude) |  |
| 4 | Horror Movie (A New Slasher For A New Generation) |  |
| 5 | They're Coming To Get You (Interlude) |  |
| 6 | Razor Blades (A Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Survival Guide) |  |
| 7 | Don't Go In The House (Interlude) |  |
| 8 | House Of 1,000 Corpses (The Tale Of A Mansion Possessed By Maniacal Madness) |  |
| 9 | One Good Scare (The End?) |  |